
54. GUEST POST: Exposing the Real ‘Bloody Mary’ By Samantha Wilcoxson for Poppy Coburn

Friday, 28 April 2017

In celebration of Samantha Wilcoxson's newest release, I invited her to create a post about her enigmatic subject, Mary I. 

Mary has always been a controversial figure of English history, and Samantha examines how she came to be posthumously known as 'Bloody Mary'.

53. GUEST POST: In the Straitjacket (on the discipline of writing historical fiction) by Edoardo Albert

Friday, 21 April 2017

I've decided to include a new kind of featured post on my blog - the Guest Post! Kicking off the first ever Guest Post here is author Edoardo Albert, whose books I have reviewed here and here. In this feature, Edoardo writes about his journey becoming a historical fiction writer - I can't wait to share Edoardo's post with you, so lets get to it! Thank you to Edoardo for agreeing to write this feature for my blog. 

I hope you enjoy! Please do leave me comments with any feedback or the types of guest posts you'd like to see here. 
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