
15. Pleated Skirts and a New Direction

Sunday 9 February 2014

I am making my return to blogging after taking a bit of a break. I started a new job towards the end of last year and things got busy very quickly. I felt I was struggling to keep up with everything going on in my life at the time and unfortunately something had to give - not that I have posted on a regular basis for a while.

I wanted to set myself some goals for 2014 - I don't like the word resolutions because I generally don't stick to them. I wanted my goals to be achievable and enjoyable and not put so much pressure on myself that I end up not wanting to follow through. I want to really enjoy blogging so I am going to combine a few of my interests together here, more so than I have before. That also involved not rushing into posting just any old thing as soon as January started. 
There will still be outfit posts, and crazy Ricardian rants, however my goals are to seriously start drafting and planning story which I hope to get published and chronicle my progress here, and in the same vein I want to read so much more than I have done. That's where my idea to review books has come into the blog. It combines two of my greatest pleasures. 

I mentioned on my Facebook page that I was going to start reviewing books in an attempt to keep myself motivated in my own writing. 

I'm a big believer in the idea that if you yourself want to write then you have to keep feeding your mind with what inspires you, as you with would with any hobby or interest. 
I love historical fiction. When it is well written I can lose myself completely in the story and it generally is a catalyst to find out as much as I can about the people in the story (unless I've already done that before hand!). 

It's a great tool to both entertain and educate, although some historical fiction does need to be taken with a phenomenal pinch of salt! You need to differentiate between the fiction and the fact, and understand that just because this is how the author has portrayed the story, it might not be that close to the truth, especially when so little facts are known - which can be the author's greatest ally and a picky history geek's worst nightmare. 

My first review will see me step out of my comfort zone in terms of the era that the story is set in. I'll almost always plump for medieval based fiction when given the option, so it was a refreshing to be confronted with new characters and adventures to follow. 

Join me here tomorrow to read my review of 'Spare Brides' by Adele Parks. 

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