
46. 12 Days of Clink Street: 'Murder on Track' by Stephen Childs

Sunday, 11 December 2016

I was very kindly asked by Rachel at Authoright if I would like to take part in the festive 12 days of Clink Street blog tour, and of course I was thrilled to accept! The advent calendar below details what is featured on which blogs over the festive 12 days, if you'd like to catch up with any of them you can check it out below:

 Unfortunately, I have not received a copy of Stephen's Murder on Track in time for posting a review, however I did ask Stephen to write me his interpretation of Christmas with his characters, which I enclose below. I love how they are adjusting to their new lives in Australia, yet still holding fast to Christmas tradition despite the change of climate and environment. I especially liked the festive visit by kangaroos!

45. 'Conquest: Daughter of the Last King' by Tracey Warr

Sunday, 4 December 2016

1093. The three sons of William the Conqueror Robert Duke of Normandy, William II King of England and Count Henry fight with each other for control of the Anglo-Norman kingdom created by their father s conquest. Meanwhile, Nest ferch Rhys, the daughter of the last independent Welsh king, is captured during the Norman assault of her lands. Raised with her captors, the powerful Montgommery family, Nest is educated to be the wife of Arnulf of Montgommery, in spite of her pre-existing betrothal to a Welsh prince. Who will Nest marry and can the Welsh rebels oust the Normans? 'Daughter of the Last King' is the first in the Conquest Trilogy.

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