
60. Recent Happenings & Moving Forward

Friday, 11 August 2017

Hello, and welcome to the new incarnation of my blog!

I was beginning to feel very frustrated with the previous layout, and how posts were being affected by what should have been minor niggles to resolve. I started to really affect my enjoyment of blogging, and I am hoping this sleeker, more minimal aesthetic will help me moving forward.

I have changed my header, and have removed the previous one as I feel it no longer reflects or represents what I want this blog to be about - in part to a lot of interviews where I was told the image looked like it should be for a fashion blog, which is something this space no longer is. I'm so pleased with my new header, as it is a clean design in keeping with the layout, but also injects a pop of colour! The lovely Bethan designed it for me and I highly recommend her!

In the spirit of change, I thought I should update you on recent life happenings, and future hopes and goals.

So, where to begin?

I have now been married for approximately 86 days, not that I'm counting! Our wedding day was wonderful (though I'm sure every bride says the same thing). It was a joy to share the day with out nearest and dearest. I know I speak for both myself, and my husband (I love writing that) that we really could feel the love in the room that day. It is so true that the day flies by, and I'm so glad we made sure to take moments to ourselves to reflect and enjoy the moments we had created. 

We went on honeymoon to Sorrento - and let me tell you it was very much needed, as ten days before our wedding I was sadly made redundant.

We went to Pompeii, Herculaneum and climbed Mount Vesuvius after going most of the way up in a 4x4. We had an amazing time, especially as my husband had never visited Italy before. It is safe to say we ate ourselves around Sorrento, which my husband's Instagram will attest to. 

 In the long run it seems to have to have been for the best, as I walked away in a strong position. I do miss seeing the friends I made there on a daily basis though, however I am sure I will continue to see them at social events.

I have started an new role at the time of writing this, at a kickarse company  and I am very, very excited to get my teeth stuck into it. I've had quite a few weeks to kill before my start date after I secured the position, and as a result I am beginning to go slightly stir crazy. Don't get me wrong, down time is great, and it is the most I have ever had between jobs, but I'm beginning to need mental stimulation outside of the copious amounts of free time. Dare I even say I'm looking forward to cutting my teeth on commuting back into London? I know I'm going to regret writing that...

Moving on to what is next for me... we're starting to look for a new property to move to, as after four years in our first home together we have completely outgrown it. We both feel like we're on top of one another constantly and are desperate for more space. We're both set on a house. I've had my fill of flat complexes for the foreseeable - I was not made to live in such close quarters I have learned. So this is our next big step, which will hopefully be resolved by the end of November, and then I can get a massive Christmas tree this year (maybe even two if the property allows!), although packing away my books for however long always pains me. 
I have been working on a new blogging schedule which I hope to share soon - including relaunching the Facebook Page for my blog. I just need to get my head round my new hours and what is feasible along side my job and other commitments. 

Let me know if you like the blog's new look and design!

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