
5. Richard III: Really?

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Last week the word circulating the news was that the results of the dig to find and identify the remains of Richard III would be forthcoming shortly.

I've been keeping an eye out for anything related to this with great interest - I mean, I am a complete fangirl for him, and completely anti Shakespeare's portrayal.

I am curious about one thing though. I keep reading that along with a curvature of the spine, his remains were identified by an arrow in his shoulder..

Now, I may be completely ignorant of the fact that, yes - he probably came under fire of hundreds of arrows at Bosworth - yet I have not read anything about an arrow being stuck in his shoulder. And surely, when the monks of Greyfriars (who undoubtably would have had the task of preparing the now dead Richard for burial) would have removed the arrow. Granted, they could have, and the arrow head remained embedded in his shoulder. 

If you have a primary source that indicates that this is true I beg of you to show me it for my own sanity. 

I do hope that when they reveal the results, they also have a representation of how curved his spine actually was. I sincerely hope it dispels the 'crouchback' image, and the idea that he was severely hunchbacked, something that I feel would have been impossible when you take into account he was an efficient and successful soldier fighting many battles in his lifetime and successfully coming through them. At Bosworth he is described as fighting 'bravely and ably'.. to be severely hunchbacked would not of enabled him this. 

Leicester Cathedral - proposed burial sight..

I wish he wasn't going to be laid to rest in Leicester though, if it turns out to be him. It's so unfitting. Yes, he fought his last battle near there, and was laid to rest there initially, but as a King of England he should be laid to rest at Westminster Abbey - or alternatively in York because that was the centre of his 'court' and world. It's where his strongest support lay, and he spent the majority of his time there. I'm sure it's a great opportunity to draw tourists to Leicester but I'm so disappointed by the news. It's unfitting, and wrong and I'm not happy with the idea. Though the bones of the 'the princes' are also housed within the Abbey but I like the interesting conundrum it presents. I still think those bones should be tested once and for all - but that's a topic for a different post. 

Anne Neville, his wife is buried at Westminster Abbey, and he should be laid to rest with her. I'm sure the very notion presents a hundred issues or where and impracticalities.. but it would be so much better than a place he has no association or ties with, other than that he died in battle near by and the new King decided to bury him quickly. Out of sight, out of mind. But don't you worry Richard, I'm going to always fight in your corner. 

Of course, I have no say in the matter (alas!), but I will be dragging Fella with me to scope out the sight when he is buried there. I'll have to think of it as a new place of pilgrimage! 

I'm intrigued to find out the results nonetheless.. although word is it's already been confirmed and the verdict is being held back to garner publicity, which if true is truly disappointing. I do hope that people will try to look beyond Shakespeare, and perhaps do some reading into the subject. No one will ever be able to prove if he did murder his nephews - but that shouldn't be all we focus on. For the most part his fundamental ideals when he came to power (destroying the Wydevilles aside) were decent. 

What do you think cherubs? Does it make a difference to you where this long dead monarch is finally laid to rest once and for all? Can you help me on my mad quest to find out where this arrow in the shoulder identification came from? 

"Loyaulte me lie..."

Apologies for the slightly ranty post... signing off for now. I'm hoping my next update will involve an outfit post. Please keep checking back, and if you have any comments then do please leave them. I'd love to get some interaction going!

1 comment:

  1. I can't say that Richard III is my thing, but I do have some interests that are an acquired taste. Digging that you are letting your flag fly. There are so many personal style blogs that eschew these, arguably critical influences of style and taste.

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